We plot so that we can check that the airplane is actually going where it should be going, and that we are where we are supposed to be. Click for info on how to download a copy! Why do we need to plot? Here is the Opsgroup North Atlantic 2021 chart. So, this post is just looking at plotting. We actually started writing this post in 2019 when the current AC came out… Sounds good until you actually open and discover it is 114 pages long and the first chunk is a very long list of links to other documents which you also need to refer to for information and guidance. It is an advisory circular providing ‘ general information and guidance for commercial and General Aviation operators (“you”) planning flights in oceanic and remote continental airspace’. The place to find the info is this – AC 91-70B So here is a brief summary of the FAA Plotting requirements. For most though it is an irritating thing not made an easier by the somewhat confusing requirements as to how, when and why you need to do it. If the other pilot has added some tiny krakens or miniature pirate ships to find on the chart, it can be a fun way to pass the time on a dark and endless North Atlantic crossing.